Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Fix Your Eyes Part Duex

Let's try today, to get a picture of what we want in our lives. Get that picture stuck in your head. Every vision or dream starts with a picture. I know that everyone gets these pictures, its just that most of the time, we ignore them. We say it's just a silly dream. Then we wonder why we go to bed unfulfilled and then have a hard time waking up in the morning. It's because we have no picture in your head of what we should be living for. Don't be one of those people who have a huge list of regrets. Today, I want you to do two things: spend at least 15 thinking about the picture in your head of something you want in your life and try to go all day without complaining. Its almost impossible to go all day, but you'll find if you don't complain you have more time to focus on the big picture. You see this a lot of times in church when people start whining about little stupid things wrong in the church like the flowers. This usually means this person has lost sight of the real purpose of going to church.We get to where we can't see the forest for the trees. I promise though if you will focus on the picture in your head and how to get you'll not have time to complain. We have to nourish our dreams and if this means spending a few minutes a day cultivating them then so be it. I challenge you to be great today, by not complaining and getting your picture and focusing on it. Pascal said"I have overcome all my nightmares with my dreams". Start living your life like it is a dream.

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