Thursday, June 28, 2012

It's been a while

      So it has been a long time since I last posted anything on here. A really big thing happened since I last blogged. My wife and I had our son this summer. Now we have two beautiful babies. Needless to say,  I may have put some other things in front of this blog and that is alright with me. So far, this year I have accomplished a lot of goals. I have grown in leaps and bounds in my faith which was a major concern of mine. I feel like I am a better dad and husband. I have almost kept pace with my one book a month goal. I wish I could have kept this blog up weekly, but I didn't. I do think now I can commit to writing once a week or maybe more.
     One of my favorite movies is "Man on Fire". I've seen it probably 10 times. If you haven't seen it you now. The reason I love it so much is that the character played by Denzel Washington starts out as a guy with no purpose in life and ends up giving the title of the movie some real justice. I have a picture behind my desk of  Creasy (Denzel) pointing a gun at someone and behind him is an explosion, which he caused with a rocket launcher(awesome right!?). I don't have this picture because of the gun or the explosion, I have it because of the look on his face. You see him and you know nothing is getting in his way. This kind of reminds me of how Jesus set his face like flint and headed to Jerusalem. These two men had that in common, while they used different methods, nothing got in their way. Focused on one objective and nothing else. Imagine if we lived our lives like this. If we never let the petty small stuff get in our way, what could we do? If we never sat in front of the tv or wasted time on the internet. I'm not saying it's all bad, but just imagine of we "set our face like flint" and just got all the things done in life that were truly important. Whatever your dreams may be, if you cut out all the stuff that gets in the way, you will come a lot closer to getting them. Make a list, now. You have one life on this earth and we, especially in America, have really missed the mark on what is important. I saw a quote on twitter the other day that really hit me hard. It goes like this:

People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. Lives are in shambles because we do the opposite.

Just think about this scenario. The doctor tells you that you have 6 months left on this earth."Hopefully, your next thought is not....I really need to get those sunglasses I've always wanted or I need more stuff. Most of us would want to spend the bulk of our time with the people in our life who mean the most to us. You would probably LIVE a lot differently and some of us would truly live for the first time.We need to shift our focus from things back to people.Go have an adventure with someone you love. Do some things you never thought you would. I've had so many things in this life, but none of them really ever made me happy. When I think of the times I have truly been happy, it always involves my wife, my kids, my parents, my friends, or my students. A couple was visiting Europe and they came upon a rabbi who had nothing. They asked him,"Rabbi where are all your things?" the rabbi asks "Where are yours?" to which they replied, "but we're just passing through." and he said "so am I." True story. We're just passing through this life, make it count.

If there any suggestions for topics to write about please feel free to comment.

Follow me on twitter@ Sward005

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