Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everybody.

     Now let's get down to business. We have to wake up and realize that this life is special in that we only have one of them. Each time you wake up you exchange a day of your life doing whatever it is you do. I want to start making each of them count.As I said in yesterdays post, you either live in vision or circumstance. Reactive or proactive. Do you live your life reacting to what's happening around you or do you make things happen? I want to make it happen and I want you to make it happen too. 

"The empires of the future are the empires of the mind"
                                                                          -Winston Churchill

    Our first order of business is to live in vision. To live in vision, obviously, our eyes are the first thing that need work. Not just your physical eyes, but the eyes of our heart and soul. I do want to set goals and achieve them, but vision is different. Vision is about how you see yourself. Take a real good look at yourself. Who or what are you? Are you a mom? Dad? Teacher? Whatever it is, it doesn't matter. Grade yourself. Now just think about what you want to be in the new year. I see myself on fire, not literally, but passionate and focused on my vision. You have to see the things you want in your mind before you get  them. I know a lot of people who have to see things to believe them, but you can see and believe at the same time. You just gotta have faith. Back to our eyes. I love football, so i'll use it from time to time to get my point across. One of the big things you hear coaches and players in college and NFL football talk about nowadays is eye discipline. I heard Roman Harper talking about it the other day. Each player on the field has a job. They must focus on it every play. Eye discipline means looking at your specific keys on every play and reading them to make the play. It takes supreme focus to be able to do this because so much happens on every play in football. It is easy to get distracted and look somewhere else. Get caught looking at the wrong thing, you'll miss an opportunity. We have to take this approach with our goals and our vision. If you keep your eyes and your heart focused on the things you want in life, the circumstances around you will not matter. They have to be in the front of your mind at all times. If you, like me, want to be a great dad in 2012, that must be your focus. Every opportunity I have, I wanna take it to be a great dad. Sometimes that might mean just sitting on the couch watching Elmo or washing my hands over and over in my daughters play kitchen. I have to look for opportunities to be a great dad. If I keep that in my mind all the time, I know I can't lose. My daughter means so much to me that I want to give her that. Sometimes being a great dad isn't all fun and games. I know there will come a time when I have to make the decision to teach her right from wrong, but that is part of the deal. I know I also have to keep my eyes open for that opportunity as well. Now don't get me wrong, I'll be the first one to get caught up in a situation and lose sight of whats important.I'm not going to let that stop me though.Sometimes vision can be a curse. We may have to live through painful circumstances to live our vision. In Chin-Ning Chu's book Thick Face, Black Heart,  he says"Often we are so concerned with what makes us feel good that we forget what makes us great.Let's focus on being great, one day at a time.

What is your vision? How clear is that vision? Clarity is another topic for another day,but on a scale of 1-10, how clear is that picture in your head of what you want? I love good quotes so I'll end this:

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you may still exist, but you have ceased to live"            
                                                                -Mark Twain

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