Thursday, July 5, 2012

Where did we go wrong?

      I love to watch my little girl play. She's just a little ball of energy. She can run around for hours and she never seems to get tired. She's got it right. She doesn't get sore, she doesn't complain, she just goes. All day long. If you take some time to watch a kid play(not in a creepy way), you'll notice this is true for most kids. Our bodies weren't designed to sit around. They were made to go. That is why we have powerful muscles and hearts that can beat in a range from 40 to  over 200 beats per minute. Our cave dwelling ancestors probably lived like kids their whole lives. I know they didn't have mortgages and car payments, but they did have to hunt and find food for their families every single day. They also got chased by bears and large jungle cats. I think I'll take my mortgage. When you don't use your body like it is supposed to be used it starts to break down. You don't have to hurt or be sore, it's a choice. It may be a long road but who says the journey has to end.Fitness is preventative maintenance, like changing the oil in your car. Why can't we feel good as long as we're here? I have to live in my body for the rest of my life and I would like to enjoy that from now until I am gone. I love playing with my daughter. I don't want to roll out of bed tomorrow feeling like crap because I ran around the yard with her.  It doesn't have to be that way. You just have to start. Start moving. Walk, then run. Lift some weights. Sign up for a 5k. Just start moving. Your body needs to be used.
      Another thing I really admire about my daughter is that she really doesn't need anything to have a good time. I could literally chase her from our living room down the hallway all night long. True story. She has more toys than Wal-Mart and she would rather treat me like a jungle gym for hours. Once again, she's got it right. It's not about toys. It's about what you do with what you have and who you have. She just wants my attention; to know that she's loved and adored. Isn't that what we all want? Isn't that why we buy all the fancy stuff we have? So people can see it? We could all live without television. We could live without our iPhones and gadgets. I'm not telling you to throw that stuff away, I'm just saying we put too much importance on stuff that isn't truly vital to our lives. Relationships are what really matter. People matter. People aren't going to remember you for what you had, they will remember you for what you did and who you were. Think about people in your life who have passed away. Do you remember the stuff they had? I don't. I remember watching wrestling with my Papaw Ward when I was in middle school. I remember Thanksgiving at my Mamaw Raley's with 60 people in a 1200 square foot house. The memories I have of them are a part of who I am. Spend some real quality time today with the people you love most.
     Start right where you are, wherever that may be. Like Jesus said. I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it.It's always worth it. Maybe I am a bit of an idealist, but if everyone played like a kid and loved like one too, we'd all be better,happier people.  Let's all be better, happier people today.

God Bless,

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  1. This is so true Coach Ward! My 3 year old is always a ball of energy! She has about 5 TRILLION toys and never plays with any of them. She is all about playing with her mommy, daddy, sissy, or bubba.

    Thank you for being a positive role model for Ethan. He really looks up to you. Keeping you and your family in my prayers! Laura Tucker

  2. Thanks Laura! That means a lot to me. Ethan is a good kid and I have really enjoyed being around him as a coach and teacher.

  3. This is so true, I'm glad that I love being outdoors, playing with my grandkids, my bow or hunting with my husband. I don't care if I have the biggest house or the fanciest car, but when I'm old, I want to be able to say "I did that" instead of "I wish I had done that". Love the blog Seth, I'm so proud of you!
    Love mom
