Thursday, July 12, 2012

My mission

      We all need a mission in life. It's very important that we spend some time thinking about our it.It's who we are. The beautiful thing is, you get to make it.  All you have to do is list the things that are important to you and live your life to meet the standards of your mission.We can't really be fulfilled by anything outside of it. It's what people will remember you by. My mission is ever changing. It's supposed to be. As we grow, our lives change and with that our roles in life change. We get new jobs. we get married, we have kids(hopefully in that order) and we change because of them. There are however, some core values that should never change. I found the biggest part of mine in a song a couple of years ago. Most people have probably never heard it, but it's called "Garden" by Needtobreathe. The chorus says" Let the songs I sing, bring joy to you. Let the words I say profess my love. Let the notes I choose, be your favorite tune and Father, let my heart be after you." I can't think of a better set of standards to live by. No matter where I go, I can be a joy to others. If you focus your life around being a blessing to others, you will be blessed more than you will ever know. It doesn't have to be big stuff. Other people will appreciate the smallest gestures. Just a smile sometimes does the trick.I also know that if I have my heart in the right place, I can do great things. We should all have our hearts set on what God wants. Someday, when I get the courage, I'm going to have that chorus tattooed on my body someplace.
      I also have roles as a husband and father. I have a picture in my head of what I want my family to be. I want us to be very close. I want my kids to be able to confide in me when they have problems. I want my kids to be able to deal with failure. So much of what is wrong with our society could be fixed by spending time with our family. Sitting down and eating dinner together goes a long way. Playing with your kids or just being there with them lets them know they are loved. That's what we all want anyway, is to be loved. You can tell someone you love them all day but, love is about spending time with the important people in life. If I told my daughter I loved her every day, but never spent time with her, would she believe me? I doubt it or she would have a skewed definition of the word love. All relationships take hard work to make them work. I  know I write a lot about my responsibilities as a family man, but that is because it is part of my mission. I know I can't have the family I see in my head if I don't lead by example and show them how to do these things.
      There are a lot of other things included in my mission statement. Everything I write about is part of it. I want to make a difference in the world and I know if I focus my life on my mission I can make them happen. You can too. What is your mission? Take some time and write down the important things in your life. Live your life according to your mission. Make a difference.
Listen to this:

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