Saturday, December 31, 2011

Be Great in 2012

As the new year begins I feel the need to challenge myself to be better. I want to push others to be better as well.A lot of you know me and know this is out of character for me, but I really feel like I am bound for great things in this life. It won't bother me if you do not feel compelled to participate, but I want to try in 2012 to make everyone around me better. I have a lot of goals to accomplish this year and I want you to help me. I also encourage you to set some goals this year. I've never done ANYTHING like this before and if it is a complete failure at least I did it for a good reason. I feel like the last two or three years of my life I have lived in circumstance and not vision. If you live this way, you're missing out on life. If you have complete focus on a vision and live your life trying to fulfill that vision, you forget about your circumstances and life is more enjoyable. Life is better when we take chances. I have always lived my life trying to seek approval from others. When you do this you never really know yourself. This is atop my list of goals for this year; to only seek approval from myself. I know if I work my process , seek my vision and trust in myself and my God my life will be so much more enjoyable. I want to put myself out there for everyone to see. Not to be seen, but to be held accountable. Iron sharpens iron, so let me know if I am not living up to the standards I have set for myself. Everyday in 2012, I am going to start my day with a prayer to make that day great. In life you can only make withdrawals and no deposits. This means every day must matter. I told you I have some goals for this year and here they are:

Increase my personal faith and let my heart be after God
Be a joy and a blessing to those around me everyday
Spend more time with the two most precious people in my life, my wife and daughter
Seek approval from only myself
Read at least one book a month
Write in a journal at least once a week

What are your goals?
Take some time to think about this.
 Let's work on ourselves. Do not waste this year. Make it great!
Please feel free to comment.